The existence and construction of rational Gauss-type quadrature rules

The existence and construction of rational Gauss-type quadrature rules

Karl Deckers       Adhemar Bultheel

error plot


Consider a hermitian positive-definite linear functional ℱ, and assume we have m distinct nodes fixed in advance anywhere on the real line. In this paper we then study the existence and construction of nth rational Gauss-Radau (m = 1) and Gauss-Lobatto (m = 2) quadrature formulas that approximate ℱ{f}. These are quadrature formulas with n positive weights and with the n - m remaining nodes real and distinct, so that the quadrature is exact in a (2n - m)-dimensional space of rational functions.

Online since 28 April 2012.

BiBTeX entry:

      author = "K. Deckers and A. Bultheel",
      journal = "Applied Mathematics and Computation",
      year = "2012",
      title = "The existence and construction of rational {G}auss-type quadrature rules",
      volume = "218",
      number = "10",
      pages = "10299-10320",
      url = "",
      DOI = "10.1016/j.amc.2012.04.008",
      LIMO = "606939",
      ZBL = "06074620",
      MR = "2921784",
File(s): preprint.pdf (309K)
See also Report TW 573