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Application research @ NALAG

The fundamental numerical reseach of NALAG is inspired by applications. Clearly the linear algebra input in the IAP project has direct impact on methods for model reduction, networks, signal processing and diverse aspects of systems theory.
For example, the eigenvalue problems studied are related to model reduction, PDE constrained optimization, Hopf bifurcation etc.
More explicitly it is related to the study of structures and vibration, the damping of a footbridge, the computation lf the Lovász number of a graph, etc.
Splines are an essential tool in CAGD but also in simulation problems and preconditioning for large scale problems originating from the numerical solution of PDE's.
See also the project LMCC: Leuven Mathematical Modeling & Computational Science.
The use of orthogonal rational functions just like orthogonal polynomials are used intensively in modelling, numerical quadrature and approximation problems.

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