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Demos @ NALAG

Some material available for illustrations
Note that applets are not supported anymore (cagd, visnue, ORF)


huis A matlab package built upon Wavelab with gui-oriented illustrations of wavelets and their applications.

visnue applets

slinger Applets VIsualization of NUmerical Experiments.
These are applets illustrating numerical procedures for the course Numerical mathematics.

cagd applet

ORF Applet for curve generation designed by Mourad Trabelsi.
These are applets allows for an interactive illustration of polynomial interpolation, Bézier, spline, and NURBS curves.


ORF This Java applet visualizes orthogonal rational functions on the complex unit circle.

illustraties numerieke wiskunde

ORF Several illustrations for the course in numerical analysis

maple inleiding

ORF Inleiding tot het werken met Maple.
This is an introduction to Maple written in Dutch.
The demonstration will only work from your web browser if Maple V release 4 is installed as a plug-in.