A PhD thesis @ NALAG

This is a PhD thesis prepared by a member of the NALAG group or prepared with a (co)promotor from NALAG.

TW 2015_03

Roel Van Beeumen
Rational Krylov methods for nonlinear eigenvalue problems
April 20, 2015

Advisor(s): Wim Michiels, Karl Meerbergen


The aim of the PhD project is to develop, analy ze and apply new numerical methods for the analysis and control of large-scale nonlinear dynamical systems, which are explicitly or implicitly based on low-order approximations. The approach is at the intersection of numerical linear algebra and optimization, and relies on embedding nonlinear problems into infinite-dimensional linear problems, projection techniques (in particular rational Krylov methods) and solving large-scale Lyapunov equations. Applications are mainly envisaged in the area of systems and control. Particular attention will be paid to distance problems in linear algebra, which lie at the basis of robust control.

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